Let me tell you what happen today. xD Ask dar to pose and let me take photo. She got me this pose! LOL! Oh ya. MIL cut dar's fringe today. See~ with her new fringe and ponytail. She looks sooooo cute. xD
At 10+am, e Jie jiu come find us le.. Den atr coaxing dar to slp, me n Jie jiu make our way to J8.. Went to BHG shopping, got myself 2 tube and 1 racer back. After shopping, went to food junction for lunch. Ate BBQ sotong.. Erm.. I only like the chilli. lols!
Filled our stomach le, jiu cont shopping and stop at the shop where you can catch the toys one. *Paiseh, I dont noe what is that called =x* Jie v li hai lors, first try nia, dang dang ~~ Got dar a Hello Kitty! I see liao, also hand itchy itchy.. Went to change the coin and try.
And I got the Rilakkuma!
After that, jiu take bus home le lors.. Reached home, show dar the Rilakkuma, she's so happy! LOL! Den at about 5pm, Jie jiu go home le lors. Jie, thanks for the shopping. :D Enjoyed myself! hehehe ~ K lahs. End here le, laogong rush me go wrk le. See ya!!!