负负得正! 复能量真棒!”
真的不是这么好的洗脑台词,但我却同意“事情只会越来越糟,不抱希望就不会失望”。至于其他的就太~负了,不能同意。😂 完全同意的话,我不就也被魔化了嘛,不要啦。🙈
所以,真的.. 我没办法抱着希望去看待人事物。噢!不行啦,我的负面情绪越来越强烈!我的天呀!*facepalm*
Ok! Let's think this way, Pacific Ocean can't sink a ship unless the water gets inside it. There goes the same for negativity. It will only perpetuates itself, cluttered your mind with dissatisfaction and happiness won't be able to come by.
Whenever negativity striked, we tend to dwell over the past which hurt us. Holding onto all these hurtful past, it's like drinking poison, either you die or the relationship you cherished die. It's not worth it! Let's move on and don't let negativity rob your present happiness. Let go, move on and be happy! Go go go!