Saturday, February 17, 2018

Positive vs Negative

I had a bad dream just now, the realistic feel made me scared and my heart beat hastened. I don't remember the exact dream but it seems to have some hidden meaning and trying to enlighten me --

"Positive vs Negative, whichever you choose will reflect on your life. Don't expect to live a positive life with a negative mind. Adopt the right attitude can convert negative stress into a positive one. Do not allow the energy of negative people to affect you and turn you into one of them. Don't let negativity grow and ruin your life when you have so much to be positive about."

Life is apparently a C that lives between B and D:

Birth (B)
Choice (C)
Death (D)

From the day you're born till the day you died, you will encounter countless of choices to make and your choices will decide the path of your life. I really need to learn to accentuate the good things that happen in my life and preclude those negative thoughts or feeling. They're just draining my energy which had been registered as Private Limited. So ~ Let's get on with our life well and happily ~ Ganbatte ~ *(=^-^=)/*